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3-1-1 On Our Attachment to Outcomes

3 Thoughts


When you are motivated by winning you give all your power away, all your leverage, because you have given your focus to something you can’t control. -Dr. Michael Gervais


You can’t be a process leader while being attached to the 


-change in others

-change in ourself

-any other expectation we hold of our circumstances.  


Three sources of hurt: attachment, expectation, and judgment.

Three sources of healing: compassion, commitment, observation. -Yung Pueblo

1 Tip

  1. Draw a large circle on the page.
  2. Identify what you can control in this situation and write it inside the circle.
  3. Write down what concerns you but is beyond your control, outside of the circle.

1 Question

What can I do to create the conditions for good things to happen? 

- J.P. Nerbun

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