3-1-1 On Our Attachment to Outcomes
3 Thoughts
When you are motivated by winning you give all your power away, all your leverage, because you have given your focus to something you can’t control. -Dr. Michael Gervais
You can’t be a process leader while being attached to the
-change in others
-change in ourself
-any other expectation we hold of our circumstances.
Three sources of hurt: attachment, expectation, and judgment.
Three sources of healing: compassion, commitment, observation. -Yung Pueblo
1 Tip
- Draw a large circle on the page.
- Identify what you can control in this situation and write it inside the circle.
- Write down what concerns you but is beyond your control, outside of the circle.
1 Question
What can I do to create the conditions for good things to happen?
- J.P. Nerbun
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