3-1-1 on Leadership Growth
Changing the culture of your team is an inside job before it’s ever an outside job.
My biggest breakthrough as a leader was admitting my mistakes & being open about them with my team. By embracing my fallibility, I could learn & set a positive example. As a result, I became a more authentic & empathetic leader, and my team became more willing to take risks & learn.
Leadership requires eliminating draining habits and adopting sustaining practices. By creating space for life-giving habits, we promote growth and resilience, benefitting ourselves and our teams. Great leadership begins with self-care and modeling healthy habits for others.
1 Tip
Jesse Cole, the owner of the Savannah Bananas baseball team, writes down ten new ideas in his "idea journal" every morning, even if he knows most of them aren't great. For him, it's a numbers game - producing quantity to reach quality. Casey Bruggeman, a basketball coach at the University of South Dakota and member of the TOC Community, adopted this practice with a coaching friend over lunch once a week. They frequently select a new coaching or leadership topic to focus on each week.
1 Reflection Question
How do you get better at your job when you are not working?
- J.P. Nerbun
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